When it comes to your wedding, you want to make sure the entire day is spectacular from start to finish. If you are looking for that finishing touch, that one last thing, that adds a fantastic touch of sparkle to your special day, you might just be looking for wedding sparklers. These are similar to those you are used to seeing around the 4th of July, but with one big difference: these sparklers burn almost completely smoke-free!

Because our wedding day sparklers are smoke-free, you can use them indoors during and after your wedding, at your reception, and of course for the grand procession as you head off together to start your new lives.

After the Wedding Photos

After the wedding ceremony is over and the picture taking goes into full speed, wedding sparklers make a wonderful addition to many of the pictures. You can have some of your guests surround you in sparklers or create a golden shower raining over you. Be creative and let everyone get involved in the photos, even the kids.

If you want to add an extra touch to your wedding sparklers, why not pick up a few of our heart sparklers for weddings to go with them? You can hold them for several different shots. You don't have to worry about clouds of smoke ruining your pictures, so go ahead and get creative!

At the Reception

There is nothing quite like a fully catered reception complete with a sit-down meal. But the caterers don't supply the decorations. You can either hire a wedding decorator or take care of it yourself. Either way, there are several ways to add a little extra sparkle to the event using wedding sparklers.

For example, you can use our custom sparkler tags to tuck a wedding day sparkler into, for each guest. Why not add a small vase to each table with extra sparklers for your guests to enjoy? They can light them during the toast or save them to highlight the happy couple as they hit the dance floor for their magical first dance.

At the End of the Day

When your magical day comes to an end, it's time for the happy couple to make their grand exit. In some ways, this is like running the gauntlet. All of the guests line both sides of the walkway to extend their wishes for a happy life together. This is a good place to put that one last bit of sparkle to your wedding with our wedding day sparklers. Make sure each guest has a 36 Inch Wedding Sparklers and have those at the beginning light theirs first.

The guests can hold their wedding sparklers aloft; creating a glowing walkway of golden sparks! This display will provide a magical sight that will be remembered forever. Visit us at Wedding Sparklers Outlet for a complete selection of wedding sparklers guaranteed to add a touch of magic to your special day.